Source code for dynalist.dynalist


Dynalist Class Instance
>>> dynalist = Dynalist(file_id='FF7nfSyfsJjx9NvOfqts_rfO')
>>> dynalist.get_node('root') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
{'id': 'root', 'content':..., 'note': '', ...}

For a full list of available methods see the :any:`Dynalist` class below.

>>> dynalist.doc

Children nodes
>>> dynalist.get_children(node_id='root')

[{'id': 'kS7XOylNJ2eJXwhxRmpW1VB5', 'content': '123123', 'note': '', 'checked': False}]

You can see the Dynalist Class in action in this
`Source code <>`_


import json
import requests
import os
import codecs

[docs]class Dynalist(): def __init__(self, file_id, token=None): """ If `token` is not provided, :any:`_auth()` will attempt to use ``os.environ['DYNALIST_TOKEN']`` """ self._auth(token) self._doc(file_id) self._file() def _auth(self, token): env_token = os.environ.get('DYNALIST_TOKEN', None) if token: self.TOKEN = token elif env_token: self.TOKEN = env_token else: raise KeyError('Token not found. Pass token as a kwarg \ or set an env var DYNALIST_TOKEN with your key') def _doc(self, file_id): res = '', json={'token': self.TOKEN, 'file_id': file_id}) nodes = res.json()['nodes'] self.file_id = file_id self.doc = nodes self.doc_dict = {n['id']:n for n in nodes} def _file(self): _info = {'title': self.doc_dict['root']['content']} self.file = _info
[docs] def to_json(self, file_name=None): """ Args: file_name: 'aaa.json' Returns: output the json file. """ if not file_name: file_name = self.file['title'] if '.json' not in file_name: file_name += '.json' with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: json.dump(self.doc, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
def get_node(self, node_id='root'): return self.doc_dict.get(node_id, {}) def get_node_link(self, node_id): node = self.get_node(node_id) _url = ''+self.file_id+'#z=' + node['id'] return '[{}]({})'.format(node['content'],_url) def get_children(self, node_id='root'): node = self.doc_dict.get(node_id) _children = node.get('children',[]) return [self.doc_dict[_child] for _child in _children] def search(self, keyword): return [n for n in self.doc if keyword in n['content'] or keyword in n['note']]